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For ICO Customers

Grow your business together with

Attract financial resources by issuing and selling debt tokens of your company.

Debt tokens issue is a new and convenient instrument on financial market. This is a debt obligation of the company to investors to return the funds they have invested after a certain period and pay income for the use of these funds.

Our product is just for you if:

You are a growing business and need resources to develop your company

You know the value of time and comfort in your business
You are aimed at improvement of the image of your company among investors and partners

You want to be in trend of new financial market instruments

Our advantages for ICO customers:

  • Quick decision-making on the admission of the ICO Customer and token issuance procedure (1-1.5 weeks)
  • ICO customer determines the financing conditions and token parameters that are convenient it's business
  • Affordable and transparent rates, no hidden fees
  • Full support of ICO issue - maximum comfort for the ICO Customer
    Convenient customer account (online monitoring of sales,
  • Convenient customer account (online monitoring of sales, upcoming and past payments, movement of funds and settlements with the platform)


It's very simple:

  • Read the Procedure for interacting with ICO customers, contact Finstore for advice, send us financial statements and documents confirming compliance with the HTP requirements
  • We analyze financial and other performance of your company to assess the possibility to issue tokens on Finstore   
  • In case of positive decision decision on admission, we help you determine the structure and parameters of future issue
  • Our experts make all the necessary documents (incl. White Paper - your offer to potential investors) and technical procedures necessary for your tokens issue
  • Investors (individuals and legal entities) buy your tokens on the platform
  • You receive funds from the tokens sold to your bank account and use them to develop your business 
  • During circulation period, you provide Finstore with funds to fulfill obligations to your investors stated in White Paper
  • After the end of the token circulation period - you return the funds back to investors


If you have any questions, please contact us in any way convenient for you

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For ICO Customers