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About us

What is FinStore? is an online platform of BelVEB bank group, that is focused on organizing and selling of ICOs. 

LLC "DFS" is the operator of the platform and one of BelVEB bank group companies, and a resident of the Hi-Tech Park (HTP). The Company operates in accordance with the Decree The President of the Republic of Belarus No. 8 dated 21.12.2017 “On the development of the digital economy” and is regulated by HTP Administration.

Company history


Advantages of

Team of professionals

All employees have
extensive experience in the financial, banking and IT sector (many have more than 15 years)



Closed platform that uses a blockchain, operated by the National bank of Belarus



Finstore has organized more than 220 issues of debt tokens


We are annually audited by one of the Big Four companies



Member of the holding of BelVEB Bank - one of the backbone banks of the country


Convenience and comfort

Easy online registration. Buy tokens in "two clicks"


  • We are constantly improving and developing our platform
  • We helped to attract financing to more than 65 companies from Belarus and foreign countries
  • We value our investors and strive to meet their expectations


Our Partners





General Information

The Limited Liability Company "DFS" (UNP 192824270) is located at: Republic of Belarus, 220030, Minsk, Myasnikova str., 70, office 219.

DFS LLC is a resident of the Hi-Tech Park (decision on registration as a resident of the Hi-Tech Park, Protocol No. 13/NS-4pr of October 3, 2019) and operates in accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 8 of December 21, 2017 and other legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

To receive support on the use of the information system of LLC "DFS", you can contact by phone +375 29 505 02 05 or by email . Appeals can also be sent by mail to the address 220114, Minsk, Filimonov str., 25G, office 509 or via the feedback form on the website .

The protection of personal data in DFS LLC is provided by the official responsible for system administration and information security. Questions regarding the handling of personal data can be sent to the email address .

The only participant of the limited liability company "DFS" is the limited liability company "VEB Technologies" (UNP 193044900, location: Skryganova str., 6, room 601, 220073, Minsk, Republic of Belarus Postal address: 32 Myasnikova str., room 805, 220030, Minsk, Republic of Belarus).