Vitebsk Industrial Processing Plant CJSC
Company's website
Vitebsk Industrial Processing Plant CJSC is a rapidly developing company. The company is engaged in the removal, sorting and recycling of waste in Vitebsk. The company was founded in 2015 and currently occupies a key place in the export and a leading position in the region in integrated waste management, as well as the development of environmental documentation.
The company has about 50 employees, including specialists in sales, customer service, logistics and ecology.
The main advantages of the company are:
* own fleet of specialized equipment,
* own sorting station and secondary film production line,
* the possibility of providing services for the development of environmental documentation,
* environmental outsourcing,
* removal, processing, preparation for use and disposal of waste of all classes.
The company is trusted by more than 280 clients, among which are SOOO "Marko", JSC "Vitsebskomolprom", LLC "Alliansplast", retail chains "Vitalur", "Crown", "Euroopt", "Vitebsk products", "Vesta", the Administration of the districts of Vitebsk, the Administration of the FEZ "Vitebsk", the Department of Education of Vitebsk and many others.