LLC '' Yowheels Leasing''
Company's websiteLimited Liability Company "Yuvils Leasing" is a young, rapidly developing multidisciplinary leasing company offering its services to large, medium and small businesses, as well as individual entrepreneurs and individuals. The company's conditions allow us to take into account the wishes and individual characteristics of the business, which contributes to the fullest realization of the company's potential.
LLC "Yuvils Leasing" was registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs on August 19, 2019 under the number 192825384. LLC "Yuvils Leasing" is included in the Register of leasing organizations of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (certificate number of inclusion in the register – 160 dated 25.09.2019).
LLC "Yuvils Leasing" provides financial leasing services, in particular:
• Leasing for individuals (consumer leasing).
• Leasing for legal entities: (equipment).
LLC "Yuvils Leasing" also provides individuals with the opportunity to conclude a financial lease (leasing) agreement for the purchase of various types of equipment. For a number of years, the company has demonstrated a stable financial position and business development.